General Waste
Recyco’s general waste collection takes care of your business’s non-recyclable waste. General waste collections are normally combined with our other recycling services. This minimises waste management costs and helps towards Zero Waste to Landfill.
Mixed Dry Recycling
Mixed Dry Recycling (MDR) is recyclable waste. Recyco provides a cost-effective solution for you to manage your recyclable waste and comply with regulations and legislation.
Clean dry recyclates include: paper and cardboard, plastic bottles and containers, glass jars and metal cans
Food Waste
Food waste is sent to one of Recyco’s treatment partners for composting or for producing energy. We can accept out of date food that is still in its packaging and customers can also use clear plastic bin liners to eliminate odours and interference from pests.
Examples of food waste include: left over meals, food that is past its sell-by date including meat, vegetable and fruit, and stale or blue mouldy bread
Businesses that produce more than 5 kg of food waste in a week must ensure they have the waste collected and disposed of properly.
Single Stream
Recyco Single Stream Recycling is a service we offer when you produce a large volume of a particular kind of waste. Common waste for single stream is loose or baled cardboard, food, glass, metal, paper, wood and plastic including hard plastics or baled plastic film